So November saw us loss one of our founding members from way back in the day when we were still the Shite Shags, Towneley Arms before we started to allow dodgy non locals into the camp ;)
Tentee (Malcolm Hands) was the force behind many of our early events, organising the first few treasure hunts at the Towneley and the Mill pub almost single handed, and instigating our first ever Christmas party at the Cronniwell where he played with his band Impact and we nearly burst the place open. We were crammed into every nook and cranny that night, then the Draconnians tipped up in an ASDA double decker of all things and things just got daft. He was also chief negotiator for our first Lil' Tiddler Malarky. An event that went on to raise tens of thousands of pounds for various charities over the years.
He was a cracking bloke and we've many happy memories. Many many a glass were raised at his funeral on the 1st Dec. including a fair few single malts as is only fitting. Sleep well sausage, yer were a good un.