The Rona eh still bollocksing up folks plans? Anyway to get away from it all a non shite shag fellow Nathan and myself decided to bugger off up to Skye for a few days. What a glorious time it was, fantastic views fantastic roads beer was fantastic and amazingly the weather held out (til the homeward stretch anyway) 23 degrees on the Saturday I think that was summer over with though, 950 mile trip in total 140 odd of which was just around the island with still plenty more to see so saving that bit for next time. Accommodation was top notch, pub/restaurant on site so if any of you are looking for some biker friendly accommodation on Skye give the folk at Saucy Mary’s a shout, it’s a hostel but has everything you need at a decent price. The ride up means a trip through fort William (a traffic jam in the highlands) then on to Glencoe possibly one of my favourite roads, providing you don’t get stuck behind the obligatory caravan or motor home. The roads and views on Skye are brilliant if you haven’t been I highly suggest you pay a visit, you can travel the same road over and over again and see something different every time, only bit of advice is watch for some of the lunatic locals who know the roads well and come tear arsing towards you on single track roads, suicidal sheep are another slight concern. The main road to Portree offers some cracking twisties and some splendid views and provides you with a place for a brew and to plan the next road you want to take we chose to hug the coast and see where we ended up, this choice did not disappoint. Quick visit to the Talisker distillery, Dunvegan castle, The fairy pools, countless lochs and delightful bits of coast line, Full day in the saddle and 2 tanks of fuel later we ended up back at Saucy Mary’s for a cracking evening meal and a few beers. The trip home was a wet one at the start but once clear of Fort William the weather picked up and the only other drama was my rear wheel decided to eat the wiring for my rear lights, soon repaired with some selective language and electrical tape at the side of Loch Lomond, worse places to have an issue. Then onwards home Cracking few days away and can’t wait for the next one Grumpy VC
Grumpy and Nathan's Wee Scottish Adventure
Vinny Vince