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Hairy Frumblegrommitt 2017

Harry Frumblegrommit

G cheating at Chollerford

Twas a bloody moist owld day for our annual Treasure Hunt this year. In fact the weather was so shitty there was pretty much only us lot there for the run. 10 bikes! yikes, even the Mutineer's that came down from Glasgow on Friday for the run didn't bother getting their bikes out on the day, opting for a session in the Phoenix instead. Wise or what? Still, we can always rely on the drinkers to turn out and the party people tipping up on the evening meant we were able to have a cracking night with the Dirty South belting out tunes and us lot getting slowly hammered enough to get up for a bop (took till gone 4am for some of us I'm afraid but hey we stuck it out) and we managed to make £300 for Learning for Life so that was a pretty good turn around I reckon. Halloween do should be a belter, be there!


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